Trust and Ethical Digital Governance for the World We Want
From 30 September – 1 October 2024, the International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2024), under the theme "Trust and Ethical Digital Governance for the World We Want" was held for the first time in Tswhane, South Africa.
The DepHUB had a busy week at ICEGOV 2024:
On 1st October the DepHUB and University of Johannesburg, SARChI-Trilateral Research Chair in Transformative Innovation (TRCTI ) co-chaired a workshop on "Data Governance and Local Interests".
On 2nd October, the DepHUB's Shamira Ahmed presented a paper she co-authored with Evelyne Tauchnitz from the Institute of Social Ethics ISE on "Framing Ethical e-Governance: A Plaidoyer for a Human-Rights based Digital Democracy Approach".
On 3rd October, the DepHUB's Shamira Ahmed participated in the UNESCO Information for All Programme’s (IFAP) Roundtable on "Building Information for All in Africa: Artificial Intelligence for inclusion and human-centered digital futures".
The roundtable has two primary objectives: Share global perspectives on frontier digital technologies, particularly AI’s impact on advancing digital inclusion, combating gender divides and supporting human-centered digital development. Mobilize African stakeholders to join the Dynamic Coalition, discuss strategies, actions, work plans, and synergies to foster multi-stakeholder dialogues that promote women and girls’ digital participation, and shape inclusive and ethical AI governance, regulation and policies in Africa.