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DepHUB at STG Talk on "Education in the age of AI and digital"


DepHUB's Shamira participates at STG Talk on "Education in the age of AI and digital"

Developments in AI pose both a great challenge and an opportunity for its applications in the public sphere. The increasing digitisation of public services has many elements in common with the challenge of digitisation in education, where there is an opportunity to make education more responsive to students’ needs, simplify processes and create reservoirs of knowledge

Organised by the Florence School of Transnational Governance (STG), the session welcomed Minister Kyriakos Pierrakakis, former Greek Minister of Digital Governance and now Minister of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports, to discuss his views on education in the age of AI and digital. In addition to his keynote speech, the event will serve as an occasion for a dialogue with a panel from the EUI community.

Further detail can be found, here.

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